import flopt x = flopt.Variable("x", lowBound=0) y = flopt.Variable("y", lowBound=0) z = flopt.Variable("z", lowBound=0) prob = flopt.Problem(name="Primary problem", sense="Minimize") prob += -2 * x - 3 * y - 4 * z prob += 3 * x + 2 * y + z <= 10 prob += 2 * x + 5 * y + 3 * z <= 15
prob.show() >>> Name: Primary problem >>> Type : Problem >>> sense : Minimize >>> objective : -2*x-(3*y)-(4*z) >>> #constraints : 2 >>> #variables : 3 (Continuous 3) >>> >>> C 0, name None, 3*x+2*y+z-10 <= 0 >>> C 1, name None, 2*x+5*y+3*z-15 <= 0 >>> >>> V 0, name y, Continuous 0 <= y <= None >>> V 1, name z, Continuous 0 <= z <= None >>> V 2, name x, Continuous 0 <= x <= None
prob = prob.toEq() prob.show() >>> Name: Primary problem >>> Type : Problem >>> sense : Minimize >>> objective : -2*x-(3*y)-(4*z) >>> #constraints : 2 >>> #variables : 5 (Continuous 5) >>> >>> C 0, name None, 3*x+2*y+z-10+__0_slack == 0 >>> C 1, name None, 2*x+5*y+3*z-15+__1_slack == 0 >>> >>> V 0, name __1_slack, Continuous 0 <= __1_slack <= None >>> V 1, name __0_slack, Continuous 0 <= __0_slack <= None >>> V 2, name y, Continuous 0 <= y <= None >>> V 3, name z, Continuous 0 <= z <= None >>> V 4, name x, Continuous 0 <= x <= None
flopt.convertを用いて線形計画の形式データとして、下記の形にベクトルや行列データを取り出します。lp.Aやlp.cでそれぞれのデータにアクセスできます。 前述の操作により制約はすべて等式に変換されたので、A, bのみに制約の情報が格納されています。
import flopt.convert
lp = flopt.convert.LpStructure.fromFlopt(prob)
>>> LpStructure
>>> obj c.T.dot(x) + C
>>> s.t. Gx <= h
>>> Ax == b
>>> lb <= x <= ub
>>> ...
c, A, b = lp.c, lp.A, lp.b if prob.sense.lower() == "minimize": c = -c
import numpy as np # m is the number of equal constraints # n is the number of variables m, n = A.shape # create a solution container x = np.zeros(n) # create indexes of basis and nonbasis variables indexes = list(range(n)) basis = indexes[n - m :] nonbasis = indexes[: n - m] x[basis] = np.linalg.inv(A[:, basis]).dot(b) x
Step1: 被約費用の計算
基底行列(B)と非基底行列(N)を制約行列Aから取り出して、それを元に被約費用(reduced_cost)の計算を行います。reduced_cost[i] > 0であれば非基底変数nonbasis[i]を増加させることで、目的関数を増加させることができるため、基底解は最適解ではありません。逆に全てのreduced_costの要素が0以下であれば非基底変数の変動による目的関数の増加は見込めないので、今の基底解が最適解がであることが分かります。
# set basis and nonbasis matrix B, N = A[:, basis], A[:, nonbasis] # calculate reduced_cost B_inv = np.linalg.inv(B) b_bar = B_inv.dot(b) y = B_inv.T.dot(c[basis]) reduced_cost = c[nonbasis] - N.T.dot(y) print("\treduced_cost", reduced_cost) if np.all(reduced_cost <= 0): print("Optimal found !!") break
Step2: 基底変数と非基底変数の入れ替え
# select nonbasis pivot k k = np.where(reduced_cost > 0)[0][0].item() # calculate update value of nonbasis pivot k a_bar = B_inv.dot(N[:, k]) if np.all(a_bar <= 0): print("Unbounded") break tmp = np.where(a_bar > 0, a_bar, 1.0) theta_ = np.where(a_bar > 0, b_bar / tmp, np.inf) theta = np.min(theta_) # select basis pivot l l = np.argmin(theta_) print("\tk", k, ", theta", theta) # update solution x x[nonbasis[k]] = theta x[basis] = b_bar - theta * a_bar # swap basis[l] and nonbasis[k] basis.append(nonbasis.pop(k)) nonbasis.append(basis.pop(l)) basis.sort() nonbasis.sort()
ここで, a_barの要素が全て負であれば、nonbasis[k]を制約を満たし目的関数を増加させながら、無限に増加させることができるため、問題が非有界であることが分かります。
import flopt x = flopt.Variable("x", lowBound=0) y = flopt.Variable("y", lowBound=0) z = flopt.Variable("z", lowBound=0) prob = flopt.Problem(name="Primary problem", sense="Minimize") prob += - 2 * x - 3 * y prob += 3 * x + 2 * y == 10 prob += - 2 * x - 5 * y <= -6
# create auxiliary problem ineq_prob = prob.toIneq() ineq_prob.name = "Auxiliary problem" ineq_prob.sense = "minimize" ineq_prob.show() >>> Name: Auxiliary problem >>> Type : Problem >>> sense : minimize >>> objective : -2*x-(3*y) >>> #constraints : 3 >>> #variables : 2 (Continuous 2) >>> >>> C 0, name None, 3*x+2*y-10 <= 0 >>> C 1, name None, -(3*x+2*y-10) <= 0 >>> C 2, name None, -2*x-(5*y)+6 <= 0
そして二つの正の値を取る補助変数(artificial, artificial)を追加します。補助問題の目的関数はartificialとして、全ての不等式制約の左辺からartificialを差し引き、artificial = _artificialという制約を追加して準備終了です。この目的関数が不等式制約の乖離の度合いを表しており、もし目的関数値が0で実行可能解(すなわち、最適解)が見つかれば、主問題の制約を全て満たす解も見つかっていることになります。その主問題の実行可能解をもとに単体法を実行する、という流れです。
# add artificial variables artificial = flopt.Variable("artificial", lowBound=0) _artificial = flopt.Variable("_artificial", lowBound=0) # set objective function ( = _artificial ) ineq_prob += _artificial # add artificial in inequality constraints for const in ineq_prob.constraints: const.expression -= artificial # add a constraint ineq_prob += artificial == _artificial ineq_prob.show() >>> Name: Auxiliary problem >>> Type : Problem >>> sense : minimize >>> objective : _artificial+0 >>> #constraints : 4 >>> #variables : 4 (Continuous 4) >>> >>> C 0, name None, 3*x+2*y-10-artificial <= 0 >>> C 1, name None, -(3*x+2*y-10)-artificial <= 0 >>> C 2, name None, -2*x-(5*y)+6-artificial <= 0 >>> C 3, name None, artificial-_artificial == 0
for var, value in zip(lp.x, x): var.setValue(value)
x = flopt.Value(lp.x).astype(np.float64) nonbasis = np.where(x == 0)[0].tolist() basis = np.where(x != 0)[0].tolist() while len(nonbasis) > n - m: basis.append(nonbasis.pop()) assert len(nonbasis) == n - m
import flopt import flopt.convert import enum import numpy as np class SolverStatus(enum.Enum): Optimal = enum.auto() Unbounded = enum.auto() Feasible = enum.auto() Infeasible = enum.auto() def simplex(prob, auxiliary=False, initial_values=False): assert all(var.type() == flopt.VarContinuous for var in prob.getVariables()), "all variables must be continuous" assert all(var.getLb() == 0 for var in prob.getVariables()), "lower bounds of all variables must be 0" if auxiliary: assert all( var.name not in {"artificial", "_artificial"} for var in prob.getVariables() ) # create auxiliary problem ineq_prob = prob.toIneq() ineq_prob.name = "Auxiliary problem" ineq_prob.sense = "minimize" # add artificial variables artificial = flopt.Variable("artificial", lowBound=0) _artificial = flopt.Variable("_artificial", lowBound=0) # set objective function ( = _artificial ) ineq_prob += _artificial # add artificial in inequality constraints for const in ineq_prob.constraints: const.expression -= artificial # add a constraint ineq_prob += artificial == _artificial prob = ineq_prob.toEq() variables = [_artificial, artificial] + sorted( prob.getVariables() - {artificial, _artificial}, key=lambda v: ("__" in v.name, v.name), ) else: prob = prob.toEq() variables = None # conver LP structure with all equal constraints lp = flopt.convert.LpStructure.fromFlopt(prob, x=variables) prob.show() # objective c^T x # constraints A x = b c, A, b = lp.c, lp.A, lp.b if prob.sense.lower() == "minimize": c = -c # m is the number of equal constraints # n is the number of variables m, n = A.shape # x is a solution x = np.zeros(n) # create indexes of basis and nonbasis variables indexes = list(range(n)) if auxiliary: basis = indexes[:1] + indexes[n - m + 1 :] nonbasis = indexes[1 : n - m + 1] k = np.argmin(lp.b[:-1]) + 1 basis.append(nonbasis.pop(0)) nonbasis.append(basis.pop(k)) basis.sort() nonbasis.sort() x[basis] = np.linalg.inv(A[:, basis]).dot(b) elif initial_values: x = flopt.Value(lp.x).astype(np.float64) nonbasis = np.where(x == 0)[0].tolist() basis = np.where(x != 0)[0].tolist() while len(nonbasis) > n - m: basis.append(nonbasis.pop()) assert len(nonbasis) == n - m else: basis = indexes[n - m :] nonbasis = indexes[: n - m] x[basis] = np.linalg.inv(A[:, basis]).dot(b) status = None n_iter = 0 while True: print("iter", n_iter, "x", x, "basis", basis, "nonbasis", nonbasis, "obj", c.dot(x)) # set basis and nonbasis matrix B, N = A[:, basis], A[:, nonbasis] # calculate reduced_cost B_inv = np.linalg.inv(B) b_bar = B_inv.dot(b) y = B_inv.T.dot(c[basis]) reduced_cost = c[nonbasis] - N.T.dot(y) print("\treduced_cost", reduced_cost) if np.all(reduced_cost <= 0): if auxiliary: if lp.c.dot(x) <= 0: status = SolverStatus.Feasible else: status = SolverStatus.Infeasible else: status = SolverStatus.Optimal break # select nonbasis pivot k k = np.where(reduced_cost > 0)[0][0].item() # calculate update value of nonbasis pivot k a_bar = B_inv.dot(N[:, k]) if np.all(a_bar <= 0): assert not auxiliary status = SolverStatus.Unbounded break tmp = np.where(a_bar > 0, a_bar, 1.0) theta_ = np.where(a_bar > 0, b_bar / tmp, np.inf) theta = np.min(theta_) # select basis pivot l l = np.argmin(theta_) print("\tk", k, ", theta", theta) # update solution x x[nonbasis[k]] = theta x[basis] = b_bar - theta * a_bar # swap basis[l] and nonbasis[k] basis.append(nonbasis.pop(k)) nonbasis.append(basis.pop(l)) basis.sort() nonbasis.sort() n_iter += 1 for var, value in zip(lp.x, x): var.setValue(value) return status
def two_phase_simplex(prob): print("------------------------------------------------------------------") print(" Phase 1 -- Solve auxiliary problem to find a feasible solution") print("------------------------------------------------------------------") status = simplex(prob, auxiliary=True) if status == SolverStatus.Infeasible: print("This problem is infeasible") return None else: print("This problem is feasible") print("---------------------------------------------------------------") print(" Phase 2 -- Solve primary problem") print("---------------------------------------------------------------") prob.show() status = simplex(prob, initial_values=True) if status == SolverStatus.Unbounded: print("This problem is unbounded") return None else: print("Optimal found!!") print("\toptimal objective value = ", prob.getObjectiveValue()) for var in prob.getVariables(): print("\t", var.name, "=", var.value())
import flopt x = flopt.Variable("x", lowBound=0) y = flopt.Variable("y", lowBound=0) z = flopt.Variable("z", lowBound=0) prob = flopt.Problem(name="Primary problem", sense="Minimize") prob += -2 * x - 3 * y prob += 3 * x + 2 * y == 10 prob += - 2 * x - 5 * y <= -6 two_phase_simplex(prob)
Name: Primary problem Type : Problem sense : Minimize objective : -2*x-(3*y) #constraints : 2 #variables : 2 (Continuous 2) C 0, name None, 3*x+2*y-10 == 0 C 1, name None, -2*x-(5*y)+6 <= 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Phase 1 -- Solve auxiliary problem to find a feasible solution ------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Auxiliary problem Type : Problem sense : minimize objective : _artificial+0 #constraints : 4 #variables : 7 (Continuous 7) C 0, name None, 3*x+2*y-10-artificial+__50_slack == 0 C 1, name None, -(3*x+2*y-10)-artificial+__51_slack == 0 C 2, name None, -2*x-(5*y)+6-artificial+__52_slack == 0 C 3, name None, artificial-_artificial == 0 iter 0 x [10. 10. 0. 0. 20. 0. 4.] basis [0, 1, 4, 6] nonbasis [2, 3, 5] obj -10.0 reduced_cost [ 3. 2. -1.] k 0 , theta 3.3333333333333335 iter 1 x [0. 0. 3.33333333 0. 0. 0. 0.66666667] basis [1, 2, 4, 6] nonbasis [0, 3, 5] obj 0.0 reduced_cost [-1. -0. -0.] This problem is feasible --------------------------------------------------------------- Phase 2 -- Solve primary problem --------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Primary problem Type : Problem sense : Minimize objective : -2*x-(3*y) #constraints : 2 #variables : 2 (Continuous 2) C 0, name None, 3*x+2*y-10 == 0 C 1, name None, -2*x-(5*y)+6 <= 0 Name: Primary problem Type : Problem sense : Minimize objective : -2*x-(3*y) #constraints : 2 #variables : 3 (Continuous 3) C 0, name None, 3*x+2*y-10 == 0 C 1, name None, -2*x-(5*y)+6+__53_slack == 0 iter 0 x [3.33333333 0. 0. ] basis [0, 2] nonbasis [1] obj 6.666666666666667 reduced_cost [1.66666667] k 0 , theta 5.0 iter 1 x [ 0. 5. 19.] basis [1, 2] nonbasis [0] obj 15.0 reduced_cost [-2.5] Optimal found!! optimal objective value = -15.0 x = 0.0 y = 5.0
最適解として(x, y, z) = (0.0, 5.0)が見つかっていますね。