- 暫定解値と, 下限値の時間推移
- 最適値
Welcome to the CBC MILP Solver Version: 2.10.3 Build Date: Dec 15 2019 command line - xxxx At line 2 NAME MODEL At line 3 ROWS At line 2426 COLUMNS At line 1454117 RHS At line 1456539 BOUNDS At line 1776810 ENDATA Problem MODEL has 2421 rows, 320270 columns and 641750 elements
Cbc0010I After 12600 nodes, 3099 on tree, 1885 best solution, best possible 1874 (1252.44 seconds) Cbc0010I After 12700 nodes, 3138 on tree, 1885 best solution, best possible 1874 (1259.93 seconds) Cbc0010I After 12800 nodes, 3201 on tree, 1885 best solution, best possible 1874 (1265.68 seconds)
Result - Optimal solution found Objective value: 1883.00000000 Enumerated nodes: 95478 Total iterations: 1723840 Time (CPU seconds): 5497.38 Time (Wallclock seconds): 5521.17 Option for printingOptions changed from normal to all Total time (CPU seconds): 5498.64 (Wallclock seconds): 5522.54%
re.compile & re.match
正規表現モジュール re を用いて読み込みます. 今回のようにデータの形式(1行1行のデータ列)に統一性があり, その1行の中から特定の文字列や数字を取り出したいときにこれが便利です.
re.compileで, 読み込む行のパターンをコンパイルしたのち .match関数により 読み込んだ行がこのパターンと一致するかをチェックします. もしパターンが一致していれば .groupdict()によりre.compileで指定したkeyからなる辞書で値を取り出せます. もしパターンと一致しなければNoneが返ってきます.
import re Cbc0010I = re.compile( "Cbc0010I After (?P<node>.*) nodes, " +"(?P<num_subproblem>.*) on tree, " +"(?P<incumbent>.*) best solution, " +"best possible (?P<lower_bound>.*)" +"\((?P<time>.*) seconds\)" ) row = 'Cbc0010I After 94500 nodes, 277 on tree, 1883 best solution, best possible 1882 (5489.11 seconds)' m = Cbc0010I.match(row) print(m.groupdict()) >>> {'node': '94500', 'num_subproblem': ' 277', 'incumbent': '1883', 'lower_bound': '1882', 'time': '5489.11'} row = 'hogehoge' m = Cbc0010I.match(row) print(m) >>> None
import re Cbc0010I = re.compile( "Cbc0010I After (?P<node>.*) nodes, " +"(?P<num_subproblem>.*) on tree, " +"(?P<incumbent>.*) best solution, " +"best possible (?P<lower_bound>.*) " +"\((?P<time>.*) seconds\)" ) Objective = re.compile( "Objective value: (?P<objective_value>.*)" ) logs = list() for row in open('cbc_log.txt', 'r'): # read incumbent, lower bound log m = Cbc0010I.match(row) if m is not None: logs.append(m.groupdict()) continue # read objective value log m = Objective.match(row) if m is not None: objective_value = m.groupdict()['objective_value']
ちなみに, python3.8から導入された"セイウチ演算子"を用いると何行か節約できます.
(:= ← 横から見るとセイウチ
for row in open('cbc_log.txt', 'r'): # read incumbent, lower bound log if (m := Cbc0010I.match(row)) is not None: # ここが変わった logs.append(m.groupdict()) # read objective value log elif (m := Objective.match(row)) is not None: # ここが変わった objective_value = m.groupdict()['objective_value']
pandas + matplotlib が楽です.
import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt df = pd.DataFrame(logs).astype(float) # cast from str to float objective_value = float(objective_value) # cast from str to float fig, ax = plt.subplots() # plot incumbent and lower bound df.plot(x='time', y='incumbent', ax=ax) df.plot(x='time', y='lower_bound', ax=ax) # plot objective value x_min, x_max = 0, float(df.tail(1).time) ax.hlines(objective_value, x_min, x_max, color='red', linestyles='--', label='optimal') # some settings ax.set_xlabel('Time [s]') ax.set_ylabel('Objective value') ax.grid('--') ax.legend()